Monday, January 30, 2012

Walking Again
I'm walking downtown Eugene at lunch now. Did 1.55 miles, 2489 steps in 32 minutes. Slow I know, but felt really good. Here are the photos I took today. I know the crane at the construction site is going to be an obsession.
Construction on 10th at Lincoln
Didn't notice the bird when I took the photo of the really
big, long crane. Tonight on the way home from work
it had the most amazing sky behind it.
I loved how full the branches were, so graceful.
Close up of berries on the tree.
There are two of these on the fire station on
Willamette St. Interesting color.
Building on the corner of 10th and Willamette.
Strange little things on the top of the building.
Christmas lights or security?
Church on W. 11th and Charnelton.